I'm thinking about my (our) (using plural instead of singular pronouns is one of the greatest things about being married) (it means I always have a pal) future. And it is terrifying.
The thing is, I want to be a college professor and a high school teacher. I want to be a lawyer and a chef and a writer and a magazine editor. I want to study literature for the rest of my life, and I also want to never have to go to school again after these past few hellish semesters. I want to be a domestic stay-at-home mom, and I want to rule the world.
I want to be everything, but I also don't want to be anything except for the person I am.
I want to do something valuable. I want to be true to myself and I want to be kind to other people.
I've been thinking about it, and I want to be Kathleen Kelly.
When I think about the life I want to live, I want to live in the world of You've Got Mail. I want it to always be fall in New York City. I want to send bouquets of sharpened pencils, and order tall decaf CAPPUCCINOS! (Not really. I love the WoW) I want to spend my days doing something like equipping children with the very best books, books like Dancing Shoes, and Ballet Shoes, and Skating Shoes by Noel Stretfield. I want daisies. Aren't daisies the friendliest flower?
I want to lead a small life. Well, valuable, but small.
I realized this when I read this masterful blog post that I stumbled upon when reading the blog of my favorite Kathleen-Kelly-esque blogger. (Neither of those women know me. Sorry for creepin'!)
I've found my big, bad Joe Fox. (F-O-X) His name is Robby. And I really, truly wanted it to be him. I wanted it to be him so badly.
Now I need my Shop Around the Corner.
P.S. I might just be saying this because I currently have the world's worst head cold. So I would really appreciate it if you all could just go away.
P.P.S. I also might be saying this because I feel like I'm totally channeling Kathleen Kelly in my outfit today. This is my proudest style moment.