So, there are a few questions I've been asked like five hundred times over the course of the semester. All my college friends know what I'm talking about. They are as follows: "Where are you from?", "Do you know Michelle Metcalf?", "How are your classes going?", and my personal favorite, "What are you majoring in?"
I love/hate this question very much, because I just want to major in something different err'day. The short list is Humanities, Art History, English, Political Science, or International Relations. I obsessively find out what people are majoring in and then research it on MyMap. I want to major in everything. I just want to major in going to college, which is unfortunately not offered at BYU.
However, this all changed last night. I was at my final mock session for MUN, which was five hours long and made me want to punch something by the end of it when everyone and their dog was trying to divide the question and every motion ever was failing and it was 10:15, where I started talking to this really nice girl who represents Croatia or something, and she told me she's majoring in Geography and Global Studies. I thought this was the bombest thing ever, and I started asking her a bunch of questions about it. She loves it a lot and said, "It's what IR people want to major in, they just don't know it." SOLD. This major is basically perfect for me. It's like Humanities plus International Relations divided by current events times awesome minus economics and math and statistics. I told myself that I would probably change my mind in four seconds, but it's been OVER TWELVE HOURS and I still can't stop thinking about it. So this is kind of a big deal. I'm very excited about this and just wanted to share.
That's all I have to say. Have a wonderful day, unless you live in Provo where it was literally zero degrees farenheit outside on my way to class this morning. In that case, your day is going to be inevitably miserable and you should just stay inside and study all day. Merry Christmas!
that major sounds perfect for you! congrats, yo. college is great when you major in something you love. and if you're not getting enough art and literature, you can always minor in humanities like i did.
re: the weather-welcome to provo for the next four months, hope you're wearing gloves and scarves, it makes a difference.
Dear Amanda,
Whatever you major in you will do great! I am so serious, your just amazing at whatever you do! And the "Do you know Michelle Metcalf question" I used to get that all the time too! haha I love our best friends!
i love it when you blog. and that's so awesome you found a major! and i love you. coolest person i know woooo!
Yay for Amanda! That is the best feeling in the whole world!! But before you got into the paragraph where you actually decided what you want to do and you just wanted to major in going to college... well there is something similar, it is called the MRS degree here at BYU. It is a great one! Just ask any freshman girl with a ring on her finger. :)
do it! i've met a lot of global studies people this semester and they are way cool!
and just get ready, because slowly but surely the "what's your major" question turns into "when are you graduating" and that gets REALLY old ahhaha.
Dear Miss Gills.
Great post! However, i am disappointed that it has now been over an ENTIRE month since the last blog post. Keep up the prolific posting!
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