Hello, there. I'm going to try and direct a little bit of frustration I'm feeling into something constructive. I would like to talk about politics.
Political parties are not like sports teams, and there is therefore no place for sports-like rivalries in the political sphere. Because, guess what? Nobody wins. It's not a game, it's people's lives. It's their freedom, their basic rights, their safety, their welfare. It's not a game, and it's not a fight. Ideological differences amount to nothing in the scheme of things, because political parties are just a means to an ends. The end goal should be the best possible society with the highest possible level of happiness. Ideally, this can be accomplished through conservative and liberal practices.
I think that people should start focusing on what can be done to improve American politics instead of name-calling and hate-mongering. I think that people should shift their points of view to include the possibility that consensus might be the best option. I think that people should stop assuming the other side is morally wrong, because they aren't.
I'm not an apostate. That's all.
"People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they are not on your road does not mean they have gotten lost"-Jackson Browne
I admire you standing up for yourself. I agree. People can choose what they want to support and what they don't want to. I admit that in times past I got into other peoples lives and wanted everyone to think the same way as me. I have changed. If you sit there and criticize someone else because of what they believe in you will never truly understand what it is that they believe in or why they believe in it. If you disagree with someone don't tell them they are wrong. Say oh I understand why you feel that way but this is the way I feel and why. Arguing and belittling others isn't going to solve a problem. No matter if you win or lose you still feel like crap in the end cuz you lost a friend. I know we don't see eye to eye Amanda but I respect you for supporting your beliefs. And I love that you try and understand everyone. Some of this might not had made sense but oh well ha. I said what I felt. Love you!
i didnt understand one word of that haha but i respect your love for politics!
I think it is great to have conviction in what you believe.. there will always be people who agree and those who don't. Stick strong to how you feel and you will never go wrong :)
I agree. I totally agree. I think "people" haha need to stop being mean because like you said "nobody wins"
I love you!
amanda good job by publishing this post to the world,cuz they need to hear it.Kinda off topic but you remind me of the girl on HSM3 that is student body president. Well now that I got that out of the way...I agree with tyler and others about standing up for your beilfs and philosophies on what is right but sharing your opinon in an appropriate manner.And just to let you know I have started listening to NPR allot more lately and yes I am conservitve but half of the stuff isn't about politics but I always say to myself(amanda would be proud). Well peace out girl scout!
Nice read. I agree. Partisan politics is our country's biggest problem. When the health bill passes it will be on strictly party lines. Obviously congress cares more about the political fall out than fixing the problem. Very sad. I'm proud of you for saying it like it is.
Hi. You are my new favorite person. Also, I love that our blog layouts match. That's all.
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