Although we plan on staying childless for a while longer (see below), today I'm thinking about how I potentially could be becoming a mother right now. Isn't that crazy? Literally right now. I could be in labor. In a hospital. It would be so crazy and dramatic and awesome.
Just kidding. Sorry, that was weird. What I'm really thinking about today is how much I didn't even know what being married was about before I got married. My life is so different than what I would have predicted it would be like at this point. Things have not gone according to plan since I got married. But I had a very weirdly specific plan.
Everything has been so much better than I expected.
We weren't planning on being so involved at Church. Robby is the Elder's Quorum President and I'm in the Primary Presidency, where I wrangle kids for two hours every week. I would never have predicted that this is where either of us would be on Sundays, but it's been a great experience. Robby is obviously a lot busier than me, but still, Primary is hard.
For instance, last week I had to help in Nursery because all of the babies were crying at once and none of the regular volunteers were there. It was kind of like hell. The kids were all so offended at me. I felt like what they were trying to communicate to me, in baby talk, was, "Who do you think you are to distract me while my mother left the room and then to act like I will find any interest in your ridiculous puzzles or blowing bubbles? Who do you think you are? Stop touching me." What they really said was "MAAAAAMAAAAAAAA" while lunging for the door and shooting me dirty looks. This experience is why, as I mentioned earlier, we are not having kids for a while.
I also wasn't planning on not being done with my undergrad, but it turns out that I am not Superwoman and I can't finish a year's worth of classes online in two months and then immediately start a master's degree. That was quite the life lesson.
We weren't planning on getting robbed, or having a cat (that hates us), or being this tired all the time, or not being able to buy everything we want all the time(maybe that one is just me), or acting like such grown-ups, but we are. And it's awesome.
I'm learning that Robby brings out the best in me. I don't think I understood this when I married him. He goes out of his way to make sure he understands everything I'm saying and always asks me how I feel about things, since I am less than good at sharing my feelings. Because he makes me feel so heard, I am getting better at communicating. He also helps me get out of my various comfort zones--social, intellectual, spiritual, which makes me a happier person. I feel like I can accomplish so much more with him encouraging me.
We make a good team. He is a cool guy and I love him.
Happy Anniversary!
i love this!!
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