Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Juice.

Today in my English class my professor described to us his struggles with coke addiction.  As in coca-cola.

I feel ya, Dr. Burton.  (Diet) Coke addiction runs in my family, and is extremely detrimental to my life.  It also poses a moral dillemma for me as a mormon.  In his words, "Is it against the Word of Wisdom?  No.  Is it against the spirit of the Word of Wisdom.  Absolutely."  Oops.

Ultimately, this stuff makes me so happy that I'm not ready to give it up just yet.  My friend told me that a drug addict goes through rehab an average of 8 times before finally succeeding.  I'll get there.

P.S.  My professor talked about this struggle through sonnet. Seriously.  It rocks.  Read it here.


Positive Petersons said...

i have this struggle with this!! but i love diet coke soo bad...

Unknown said...

i looove your new layout. And about your addiction, i'm here for you girl. bahahaha.

Lucas said...

Amanda I guess we can still be friends even though Dr. Pepper is a 1,000 x's better. Good post.