Friday, March 16, 2012

Things That I Like on Friday

I'm going to talk about some of my current favorite things, since Pinterest isn't doing a good enough job of keeping track of everything I'm obsessed with.  (Just kidding.)  (But really.)

1.  John Carter.
This picture!  It kills me! Don't you want to see this movie now?  

Robs and I are really into the TV show Friday Night Lights.  So we went to see a movie starring our favorite FNL alum, Timmy Riggins.  We fully expected that it would be the worst movie we ever saw but we went anyway, because we are faithful to all things Friday Night Lights.  Turns out, it was AWESOME.  Turns out, it's doing AWFUL.  Turns out, that's because of BAD MARKETING.  Read this.  It's fascinating.  Seriously.  I like the director.

2.  Keds.

They're just adorable these days.  Who knew?

3.  This.

4.  Also, this.
I keep wanting to say nasty things on Facebook to conservative people who I think are saying dumb things about politics.  But I haven't yet.  And I'm going to keep trying really hard not to.  This is my new mantra.

5.  The fact that I am going to actually graduate in August, and actually be done with all of my classes.  For real.  This has been a long time coming.

6.  The fact that this is what I did instead of finishing an essay I should have turned in, oh, six months ago.  That was my one goal for the day.  I just can't do it.  Independent Study has made me the world's most anxious student.  Why would I turn something in if I can obsess over it forever instead?  My graduation is actually a lot less certain than it seems, if this keeps up.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I have missed hearing from you...I am with you on Hunger games and not bashing what I hate. I think you are making great strides in graduating! You value education and you (and Robby) will make this happen.