Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I did it.

Hi, this is just going to be the classic "I got a blog" post. Not that cool.

Let me preface it by saying that blog-stalking is one of my favorite activities on the planet. I recently invested in a google reader (free-also, awesome) and have since spent literally ALL of my free time checking to see if any of the people i am obsessed with update their blogs. For the record, they never do it more than once a day. It makes me sad and then I just have to do my homework.

It's for this reason that i've chosen to get a blog and let the universe cyber-stalk me in return. So i'm just going to join the bandwagon and have fun with this little blogging activity. It will be great...

ready, go!

1 comment:

Positive Petersons said...

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you never told me you had a blog!!!! ahhh!! cute!