Monday, January 10, 2011

"It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquillity..."

"...they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it." (Jane Eyre, if you were wondering)

I'm feeling restless and I just have all of these thoughts in my head.  But I really want to go to sleep.  So I'm going to share my thoughts with all of you.  Here they are.

1.  I still love the book Jane Eyre.  I think the reason I love it so much is because of the Masterpiece Theatre movie rendition where this lady is Jane.

Goodness gracious, I love her.  If you are reading this and you haven't read Jane Eyre  yet, stop what you are doing immediately and buy a copy and read it.  After that, watch this movie.  You will feel so much joy.

2. Gobama.  I still love him as well, if you were wondering.  He is a classy guy.   I was reminded of it when I read this Op-Ed he posted in the New York Times.  What a cool person.

3.  Leggings are not, and never will be, an acceptable, appropriate, or attractive alternative to pants.  Never.  They are not pants.  They just aren't.

(not cute, not pants)

4.  On a more serious note,  I am so upset about the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords on Saturday in Tucson.  It is shocking and sad and it just reminds me how much I really, really, really hate guns. 

....anyways.  What are you guys thinking about right now? 


Alexandra said...

I like Jane Eyre too. I read it in high school and appreciated it, although I'm not really one for victorian fiction.
And I still like Barack as well- I like that article! You should ask Aly about our friend Biggins- you'd like his blog and what he shares on google buzz.


Aly said...

love this. thank you so much for getting me jane eyre, i have been staying up so late every night reading it. she is just awesome. and lex, good idea about sharing biggins! i will email you.

Christine Marie said...

I thought the same thing about leggings. . . . . then I moved to Europe and was brainwashed into liking them. Stupid socialists.

Just kidding, I love socialists. And leggings. Eek.