Wednesday, September 12, 2012

And I'm a Mormon

DISCLAIMER:  If you disagree with me, that's great.  I respect your views; and I won't get offended.  If you want to express it to me in a rude way in the comments, that's not allowed.  You are literally prohibited from saying it.  It's against the rules of this blog.

And another disclaimer:  I want to make it clear that I don't think Mormon republicans are bad, mean people, that they don't believe in being charitable, or agree with the ideas I'm about to talk about.  I just want to explain the link, in my eyes, between my politics and my religion.

I have been sitting on this blog post for a long time.  I've been writing it out in my head for months, and this typed version has been resting in my draft posts for about a week.  I really didn't want to post it, because I don't want to cause controversy or alienate anyone.  But I think it's important for me to express how I feel about my religion and politics.  I know people wonder how I reconcile being a Mormon with being a registered democrat.  Most people are surprised when they find out.  Some start to treat me differently, some think it's a funny quirk.  Some jerk in high school even went so far as to say that being a democrat should prohibit me from having a recommend to enter Mormon temples.  This isn't the case.  I'm a devout, happy Mormon and a strong democrat.  Here's how.


These scriptures are why, in a nutshell, I am a Mormon and a democrat.
 Mosiah 4:19  For behold, are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have, for both food and raiment, and for gold, and for silver, and for all the riches which we have of every kind?
20 And behold, even at this time, ye have been calling on his name, and begging for a remission of your sins. And has he suffered that ye have begged in vain? Nay; he has poured out his Spirit upon you, and has caused that your hearts should be filled with joy, and has caused that your mouths should be stopped that ye could not find utterance, so exceedingly great was your joy. 
21 And now, if God, who has created you, on whom you are dependent for your lives and for all that ye have and are, doth grant unto you whatsoever ye ask that is right, in faith, believing that ye shall receive, O then, how ye ought to impart of the substance that ye have one to another.  
 I remember reading this chapter in the Book of Mormon as a freshman in seminary, and it really moved me.  It was one of the very first times that my fourteen-year-old self thought, "This is what I believe in and what I know to be true."  I'm crying just thinking about it.  It was a powerful experience.

I think these verses contain a universal truth; we can all understand it, religious or not.  If we are blessed, we have a moral obligation to give charity to other people.  If we understand that our blessings come from a forgiving and benevolent God, we will feel so much joy about it we will want nothing more than to be charitable.  There have been many times in my life that my mouth was "stopped" so that I "could not find utterance, so exceedingly great was [my] joy".  I am very blessed.  My life is wonderful, happy, and very easy.  And I understand that all of the blessings I enjoy come from God out of pure love for me.  It fills me with gratitude to God and compassion for others.

It's kind of an intense idea, especially if you aren't religious.  But the thing is, I believe it very deeply.  I believe that one of the main purposes of life is to become humble and compassionate--to recognize everything we should be grateful for and to feel the drive to help others.  I think you can't really have one without the other.  If you are grateful, you will feel compelled to help people.  Then, if you help people, the world will be better.  That's why we're here.  Funnily enough, Michelle Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention played perfectly into this idea.

 I think the democratic party most closely aligns with this world view.  I really hesitate to say that, because I think the single-greatest problem in American politics is viewing the republican/democrat dichotomy as a good/evil dichotomy.  It simply isn't the case that one party has God on their side, and one party is of the Devil.  I think the partisan system exists to provide checks and balances--not to separate the righteous from the heathens.  Most of the people I am closest with are republicans, and I don't think they, or their political views, are evil.  Many of the leaders of the republican party are very good people.  (Except for Paul Ryan, who blatantly lied about his marathon time by an hour.  Not cool.) (Obviously that was a joke.)  I hope the people who associate with me feel the same way about me and the democrats.  The divide between political parties is not the same as the divide between right and wrong.

So let me say it like this:  I am not a democrat because I am a Mormon or vice versa.  But, for me, and me alone, the two belief systems compliment each other.  I am a Mormon because I believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, because nothing brings me greater joy or peace than this church, and because I believe in the pure love of Christ.  I'm a democrat because I believe the government has an obligation to provide welfare to the poor, because I believe having access to affordable healthcare is a human right, because I believe improving K-12 public education should be a top priority, and because I fundamentally believe government can help people.

The year before I started seminary, 2004, was the Bush/Kerry presidential election.  I was in eighth grade, so I obviously didn't know very much at all about politics.  But I remember having a vague sense that John Kerry was the bad guy, because he was a democrat.  I was a Mormon, and we were supposed to be republicans.  Democrats believe in raising taxes, taking away our freedom, and worst of all, abortion--ideas I literally could not fathom supporting at thirteen.

But then I read the Book of Mormon.  I learned more about how government worked.  My worldview expanded, inch by inch.  I would like to clarify that I have always been and will be pro-life (not that I think there should be any sort of legislation passed about it), but I started to question some of the other things I was under the impression were evil.  I put it together that taxes paid for schools, roads, welfare, and government programs.  I thought those were really good things.  I thought of the above verses in Mosiah.  If we can help people by paying taxes, especially those who, in Mormon terms, are "less fortunate than us", we should do it gladly.          

The Mormon church has a position of political neutrality and, every year around election time, someone will read this statement at our Sunday meeting.  It brings me so much peace.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints cares that its members are informed and involved in the political process, and they trust each of us to vote according to our conscience.  Every time a member of the Church tells me that I am a bad Mormon when they find out I support Barack Obama, I take strength in this idea.  Nobody but the prophets can speak for God--and the prophets have told me to vote for the candidate I believe in.  So I'm going to do that.

My name is Amanda.  I love grocery shopping, my husband, reading, and eating delicious treats.  I am passionate about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I'm voting for Barack Obama this November.  And...I'm a Mormon.            


Aly said...

I'm so proud of you for posting this! So well written and awesome. Thanks for being brave and talking about politics even though haters gonna hate. Love you!

p.s. I also love grocery shopping, must be in our genes.

Alexandra said...

Haters gonna hate. The more I read and study our religion and expand my worldview, the more left-leaning I become, too. And this from someone who considered myself firmly right-wing (not tea party or anything haha).

Good for you for blogging this. I've mostly given up blogging (and reading blogs) because I put too much pressure on myself. Good thing I'm still subscribed to yours!

Dawn said...

You're a Mormon....and you're awesome. Good job Amanda! I've watched you grow into a thoughtful, educated and loving young lady and I know this is not just a phase but a place you came to on your own. I'm proud of you!

Christine Marie said...

I love this so much. Thank you for posting it, I wish there were more people like you in the world

Unknown said...

I feel the same way sometimes. Just because I'm voting for Obama doesn't mean I support abortion or that I am uneducated. I like his ideas for this country and I think he can continue to help us. Well said, Amanda.

kmeldauc said...

It's funny how often I find myself surprised that not all Mormons are Dems. Most of my ward is.
I'm not in love with politics right now, but I do love the environment, education, and access to health care. What's a girl to do? Vote for the left.

Barbara Nichols said...

Amanda your thoughts were beautifully and thoughtfully written. I am proud of you and respect your heartfelt beliefs.

Amy said...

I loved this post, Amanda! I certainly agree with the points you listed as to why you identify with the Democratic party. "For are we not all beggars..." and King Mosiah are definitely huge things that brought me closer to liberalism... that and serving the poor and disenfranchised in my volunteering and career life. Good for you especially for coming from a life of privilege, but still having the insight and compassion to consider "giving up" some of your privilege to serve, share, and aid your fellow woman!

And just to be even MORE of a lefty, I have to put a jab out for the "pro-life" vs. "pro-choice" controversy (even though most people who research it know that rarely are your candidates going to be dealing with legislation on this issue). Being a therapist for victims/survivors of sexual assault and sexual abuse forces me to consider the pro-choice option. During forensic exams we provide survivors with prophylaxis and Plan B to assist them in not getting pregnant or infected. For the (many) women who are too afraid or ashamed to get a rape kit done, they don't get this option. I've dealt with victims of marital rape and incest too, and I am so so so glad that I am not the one who has to tell them what they can and can't do with their bodies. Even the church takes consideration into these situations, I think? As a form of birth control, abortions are inappropriate in my opinion, but I believe that women who get abortions experience SO much physical and emotion pain that I know abortions are not something people just do willy-nilly. But the line between things like birth control, plan B, abortions, or giving birth to kids who are then tortured, abused, and neglected by their parents is pretty fuzzy for me because of what I've seen in this life... end of long-winded post now.

Dan and Nicole Garcia said...

Amanda, you are so cool. Thanks for writing this. I've needed to hear the other side lately and this blog post has helped me more than anything else I've read! I have found that I'm really passionate about certain issues in both parties, and is making the decision of who to vote for hard. I appreciate hearing the "other" side of things, especially from you. I love you and think you are amazing!

P.S. You are in good company here. Living in a D.C. ward is so interesting right now with election season going on! Tons of people in my ward are strong democrats and proud of it. You are not alone!

Jennifer said...

I am so grateful that you and Robby found each other. (and thanks to Elder Costa and Brazil, too for getting you two back together)I feel so lucky that I have a thoughtful, compassionate, insightful, fun daughter in law. Mosiah 4 is my favorite chapter in the Book of Mormon, although I love Moroni 7, too.

A. Cummings said...
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